A joint initiative by the World Zionist Organization and Keren Kayemet LeIsrael KKL-JNF
Our BrochureThe Resource Development and External Affairs Division of Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael KKL-JNF in cooperation with the Department of Pioneering Youth and Future Generations of the World Zionist Organization, both national institutions involved in the founding of the State of Israel, are in sync regarding the vital importance of promoting future Zionist leadership and encouraging a future generation of donors for the Zionist vision.
Motivated by their united vision for promoting Zionist values and strengthening Jewish connections to Israel, together with the importance of developing future generations of strong leaders committed to the continued development of the Jewish State and fortifying Israel as the national home of the Jewish People.
These organizations have identified a vital need to train and develop a cohesive team of talented Zionist leaders who can play a significant role both in their communities and the various KKL-JNF offices in their region. This joint initiative coincides with the 125th anniversary of the first Zionist congress in Basel, Switzerland., at a time when it is essential to develop and extend a new generation of donors who can fill the shoes of their parents and grandparents by continuing the tradition of leading and giving.
Each country/community will be given the opportunity to nominate up to three candidates (among the three potential candidates there must be both male and female nominees). The steering committee in Israel, which is composed of representatives of both KKL-JNF and the WZO, will select one candidate from each country/community.
Willing to potentially mentor future freshmen.
All the above criteria are recommendations, rather than preconditions. Each case will be judged on its own merits and candidates will be selected jointly with the various desks as appropriate to the target country.
Until mid-August 2022
Locating potential candidates
September 2022
Candidate screening, interview and selection
October 2022
Informing and confirming participants
December 2022
Start of the Program
During 2023
Midterm World Summit and Graduation Summit (in Israel)